Naevus, Wart's calf born in 1990, was seen with a new born calf, less than three days old, on December 20 off Sapelo Island, Georgia. This is the fifth calf of Naevus, the other calves born in 2002, 2005, 2008, 2011. Her calving interval is very regular and the minimum for right whale females, every three years. The pregnancy is a year, nursing is a year and there is a year to recover the weight lost during the nursing period which can be an incredible 10 tons. Shorter calving intervals only occur when a calf is lost shortly after birth and the intensive nursing period does not occur.
A news article about the birth can be found in the Savannah Morning News: Two photos of mom and calf are also included: and
This brings Wart's family to seven calves, twelve grand-calves and four great grand-calves, with all generations still reproducing. Wart had her seventh calf this past season.
Fingers crossed that more calves are to come.